This is what happens when you underestimate your enemies on 'Game of Thrones'
Warning: This post contains spoilers about the latest episode of Game of Thrones.
The fourth episode of Game of Thrones' fifth season had one
common thread: otherwise intelligent people — including Dany —
underestimating the threats surrounding them.
And that may have lead to the deaths of Barristan and Grey Worm. Yes, despite how it may look, their fates are not certain.
Granted, the episode concluded with the two lying together in rapidly
spreading pools of their own blood after one of the coolest fights of
the entire series. And the preview for the next episode makes it look
like at least one of them really is dead.
If the old knight and the young Unsullied leader really are dead, it
might prove fortuitous for Dany that Jorah is on his way back to her.
The Sons of the Harpy have become too much for her to handle, and she
could use the help.
But given Dany's track record lately, Tyrion could be right when he
says she's just as likely to pardon the dwarf and execute Jorah, instead
of the other way around. The Dragon Queen hasn't had much room for
mercy or compassion this season.
The Golden Rule
Then there's Cersei and her newly reinstated "Faith Militant." All
the Lannisters are up to their pretty blonde hair in trouble, but while
Jaime may actually have a chance at saving Myrcella (that golden hand
came in "handy" this episode, eh?), who's going to rescue Cersei when
the time comes?
The Faith Militant, "an army in service to the gods themselves," may
prove to be the downfall of everyone in King's Landing, but no one seems
to care.
Margaery wasn't concerned about them until they moved against her
brother Loras, and Cersei is oblivious to the irony of her complicity
with having "a great sinner in our midst, shielded by gold and
privilege" arrested. She's describing herself as well, after all.
To be fair to Cersei, the High Sparrow does a fantastic job of
seeming meek and harmless when he's in her company. Yet his crazy
followers are beating people in the streets, and there's no question
who's giving the orders.
Image: HBO
poor, adorable Tommen, caught in the middle of it all, seems less and
less likely to survive these power struggles every episode. If there's
any chance of him growing a pair, he'd better do it soon.
The Tourney at Harrenhal
All that aside, we need to take a moment to talk about the Tourney at Harrenhal.
The tournament is one of the most important events in Game of Thrones lore.
Decades before the series began, Rhaegar Targaryen (Dany's brother,
who Barristan informed her this episode preferred singing to killing)
honored Lyanna Stark (Ned's dead sister) instead of his wife Elia
Martell in front of the entire kingdom. (As you'll recall, Elia was the
Red Viper and Prince Doran's sister, who was raped and killed by The
Mountain on Lannister orders.) Then Rhaegar (allegedly) kidnapped and
raped Lyanna.
Got all that?
There are theories upon theories concerning this sequence of events,
and for a moment during Littlefinger's conversation with Sansa, it
seemed like he was on the verge of saying more. But even if he stopped
short of outright explaining the tourney's significance, this definitely
won't be the last we hear of Rhaegar and Lyanna's, um, complicated relationship.
For his part Littlefinger is on his way back to King's Landing, where
he'll hopefully have a thing or two to say about Cersei's recent
choices. But he also might be making the same mistake she is.
It's painful to watch him and Sansa continue to underestimate Ramsay,
and when Baelish tells Sansa that "even the most dangerous men can be
out-maneuvered," he somehow doesn't realize he might as well be
referring to himself instead of Roose.
Meet the Sand Snakes
Despite all the changes from the books, this season has been
fantastic so far — so much so that the introduction of three potentially
major new characters is only the fourth-most-exciting thing to happen
this episode.
But that's also because the show sort of bungled it.
The bastard daughters of Oberyn Martell — collectively, the Sand
Snakes — are hungry for vengeance, and Ellaria's conversation with
Prince Doran in episode two takes on new subtleties with the knowledge
that she was working with Oberyn's daughters all along.
Image: HBO
their debut wasn't nearly as impressive or effective as the Red Viper's
first scene back in season four, when he sauntered into Littlefinger's
brothel (R.I.P.) and pinned a Lannister's arm to a table with his
Hopefully, the next time we see the Sand Snakes they'll have
something more to do than stand around in the shade torturing ship
One war to rule them all
Melisandre's words to Jon in the Lord Commander's chamber at Castle
Black were clearly significant. No, not "You know nothing Jon Snow" —
although it's worth wondering how she knew that that would press his
She also said, "There's only one war: life against death."
A major threat is growing beyond the Wall, and with everything else
going on in Westeros and beyond it's easy for viewers to lose sight of
that — just as it's easy for most of the characters to ignore it.
And on the topic of threats: Why have their been so many
conversations about Greyscale this season? No doubt we'll know by the
end, but even readers are stumped on the significance the disease might
In any case, there's at least one thing that we can all look forward
to. With Mace Tyrell and "Meryn Fookin' Trant" about to embark on a
much-needed #vacation to Braavos, it seems Arya may get another
opportunity to scratch a name off that list of hers.
Fingers crossed.
Source: Mashable
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