Google X cofounder passes on Twitter VP post after life-threatening illness

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Yoky Matsuoka in 2011.
Image: Flickr, University of Washington Office of News and Information

Yoky Matsuoka, a cofounder of Google X, will be passing on a top job at Twitter after recovering from a life-threatening illness.

Having a second chance at life has shifted priorities for Matsuoka, who had the opportunity to become vice president of technology and analytics at the microblogging company. The former University of Washington robotics professor wrote that she isn't clear on her future plans in a Thursday blog post on Medium. 

"When you get another chance at life, there’s an opportunity to start from scratch and I feel so lucky to have this," Matsuoka wrote.

Matsuoka, who was recently vice president of technology at Google-owned Nest, was diagnosed with the life-threatening illness a few months ago. She doesn't name her ailment in the blog post, but she does describe the gut-wrenching feeling she experienced following her diagnosis.

"Suddenly, my future — a hectic schedule with a full and loving family and a challenging new job — felt essentially erased," she said, adding, though, that after treatment she began to heal. "The doctors have given me a thumbs up.
A new future has begun to fill my mind again."
Matsuoka may one day return to the tech industry, but for now she plans to spend time with family and tackle personal projects.

"I want to work again, but also want to take time to construct this new life I have been so blessed to be given," she wrote.